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Tuesday 15 October 2024

THE REAL ODESSA - Book review

Uki Goñi’s  2022 book is sub-titled ‘How Nazi War Criminals Escaped Europe’ and is an updated version of a book of the same title published in 2002. He has been relentless in delving into old archives in Argentina and Europe, and even the CIA. This testament reveals the people ‘co-mingling in a common cause: a bitter and shared hatred of communism that united the unlikely combination of capitalists, fascists and Catholics into the project known by Nazi sympathisers as the ‘Reich migratory route’.

While it is probably common knowledge that a number of war criminals escaped to Argentina, I for one was surprised at how many succeeded and escaped censure, later dying of old age. There were literally thousands who got away with mass murder.

In the 1970s, Goñi’s newspaper office was inundated with concerned citizens: ‘Daily, mothers of the victims would come in to report their tragedies. Men in green uniforms had broken into their homes in the middle of the night and taken their children from their beds to an unknown destination. They were never to be seen again’ (pxxxii).

Before the war, all nationalities were welcome to Argentina as immigrants. That changed in July 1938:  Directive 11 was sent out to all consuls, ordering them to deny visas to Jews trying to reach Argentina. The order only fell into disuse in the mid-1950s and was only repealed in 2005.

Goñi states: ‘I realised that the problem was not the bad guys: the problem was the good guys who out of fear or affinity protected them (the war criminals)’ (pxli)

During the war the Argentine embassy in Madrid served as a transit point for Nazi arms purchased by Argentina. It had the secret support of Franco’s regime, which provided cover for the overland transport of guns and munitions through occupied France to Spanish ports and their conveyance from there in Spanish ships to Argentina’ (p5).

Franco’s Spain was not quite as neutral as it appeared. ‘During the last days of the war neutral Spain became the main safe haven for fugitive Nazis and their French and Belgian collaborators...’ (p65). Spain and Italy aided and abetted by functionaries of the Vatican. Virtually every false passport of the Nazi criminals had the religion stated as ‘Catholic’. In fact, a good number of Jewish passports declared the same religion...

A good number of those who escaped did so with funds, some of which was doubtless passed on to them by Swiss banks. Funds pilfered from their countless victims. The sequestered money was meant to finance a post-war Fourth Reich (p248). Using their ill-gotten gains, many Nazi immigrants contributed to Perón’s election campaign in 1946. Perón dreamed of turning Argentina into a military-industrial power and utilising the many escapees’ expertise in munitions and aircraft-design and build...  (p138). The argument went that if Argentina didn’t get the German technicians then the Soviets would (not to mention the Americans and British) (p151). There were many reasons for this: one was that Perón and his Nazi pals believed a Third World War was imminent – against the Russians, probably in 1948.

Moral blindness: the Vatican and Allied intelligence conspired to look the other way regarding the whereabouts of the majority of Nazi war criminals – because they were anti-Communist, against International Marxism...

Goñi provides several biographies of escapees. It is remarkable how many Nazi war criminals were held in prisoner of war camps yet managed not only to escape but also to identify and use appropriate ‘ratlines’ to get them to Argentina.

Compulsive and gripping, these revelations, even at this time, are still deeply shocking.

Sunday 13 October 2024



This is the third deluxe collector’s facsimile edition of Operation Saturn featured in the Eagle comic from February 1953 to May 1954.

Certainly, Dan Dare wasn’t the first comic-strip space hero: there were Buck Rogers (1929) and Flash Gordon (1934) among others...

It’s the year 2001. A number of Earth’s spaceships are being attacked by robotic remote-controlled projectiles – nicknamed ‘black cats’. Apparently, they originate from Saturn. [The ‘black cats’ reminded me of a similar invasion of a swarm of small metal ships in the movie Star Trek Beyond (2016)].

Dare, Digby and their pals take Dr Blasco on the special starship Valiant to investigate. It transpires that Blasco is in league with the high lords of Saturnia: they intend to invade Earth and Blasco will be a puppet ruler! Dan and Digby escape while the rest of the crew are captured by Blasco and his agents...

However, landing safely on the planet, Dan and Digby befriend one of the alien natives, Nikki, a short blue guy, who proves a valuable guide and introduction to Tharl, the leader of a planned rebellion. Indeed, the evil Vora who rules at present is in for a shock... 

Yet again Dan encounters colourful creatures, some deadly, others serving as vehicles, and there are plenty of alien cities and buildings in glorious colour too.

We’re in pre-Star Trek territory where a teleporter is a tele-sender; the video is a teleblower; at one point Dan is tortured by the zesto-ray that ‘causes intense pain throughout the nerve centres without leaving marks (p97). Of course Dan does not reveal anything about the rebels; so Blasco and Vora decide to torture Professor Jocelyn Peabody instead...!

It’s action all the way. Perhaps still too wordy, but enjoyable all the same.

There is also an 8-page adventure from the 1953 Eagle Annual.

Saturday 12 October 2024


David Lindsey’s ‘sexually charged thriller’ Mercy was published in 1990 and runs to 673 pages and covers a harrowing series of murders in seven days.

Houston, Texas. Homicide detective Carmen Palma is dedicated and tenacious. She needs to be in a homicide department packed with men. Her older and vastly experienced fellow detective partner Birley is coming to the end of his career; he’s supportive and trustworthy. They’re both called out for the murder of Dorothy Ann Samerov – a grisly corpse with sexual overtones. It’s highly likely that this could be the second murder committed by a serial killer: the first was only a week ago: Sandra Moser.

Both deaths involved sadomasochism. The book title is the safe word used by a participant – called out to stop the pain when it gets too much. Each subject might have a different agreed safe word. Though in the case of Sandra, the safe word was ignored, and she became the first victim...

It soon becomes obvious that there’s an underground network of wealthy Houston women living secret double lives. Some of them are connected to the psychotherapist Broussard, yet he has a solid alibi...

FBI Profiler Sander Grant is called in to assist Palma, and he proves to be a fascinating character, almost as strong as Palma herself.

This is a police procedural that leaves little to the imagination in either gore or sex.

The high page-count can be partly attributed to the detail Lindsey provides in the description of every item of clothing, every tree, and the car routes taken by Palma in her investigations. It’s immersive narrative, often employed in non-fiction work such as David Simon’s ground-breaking Homicide.

Apart from the in-depth treatment of psychology of serial killers, psychosexual villains and psychiatry in general, Lindsey has a gripping often humane style, as these two examples might indicate:

‘Life was gradually taken away what it had gradually given. It was the nature of things, but few people understood their tentative ownership of their gifts until they saw them being taken away from someone they loved. If you were lucky life allowed you that, a preview of the way it was going to be’ (p219).

‘We only know people to the extent they want us to know them’ (p252).

And despite the graphic murder and sex scenes, his other visuals are also effective too:

‘rain glittering through the beans of her headlights like shattered glass falling out of the black sky’ (p331).

 However, if you think you’ll be offended by the subject matter, then avoid. 

The book was adapted into a movie with the same title in 2000.

Friday 11 October 2024


Ted Allbeury’s 1982 novel
All Our Tomorrows is another addition to the long list of alternate future histories. This one is about a take-over of Britain by the USSR in the latter part of the 1980s. It’s a time when the EU was the more benign EEC and Woolworths were still on the high streets. And of course the all-pervasive Internet and social media had not yet taken hold.

It’s not his usual spy story, but rather an angry assessment of the state of the nation at that time, beginning with a quotation from Lenin: ‘British Communism should... learn to support the Labour Party leaders by their votes “as the rope supports the hanged man”.’ (p6)

Britain is talking about pulling out of the EEC (the debilitating tentacles of the EU had not been foreseen then). The situation in the country was dire: ‘We let things drift. We let criminals get away with it... Rioting, looting, hooliganism, were excused as being caused by racialism... We are scared of being labelled Fascists or reactionaries. It’s nice to be soft. And liked. And in the end it could get you votes’ (p18).

‘It was obvious, even to the public, that the law of the land could no longer be enforced’ (p96). The country was becoming ungovernable. A State of Emergency was declared, ostensibly due to mounting inflation and high unemployment. Strikes were illegal. Freedoms were constrained – and this was accepted...

French President Becque sees the situation and approaches Soviet President Orlov, suggesting that without Britain as an ally and a base, the US could never supply NATO in a war. If the British government asked the Soviet Union for help and in return became neutral territory... The Russian advisers could bring Britain full employment and law and order would be restored... Cooper, the British PM is faced with a dilemma, posed by the Soviets: ‘A choice to avoid a war you can’t win. You haven’t got the arms, the men or the planes. And you haven’t got the will to fight’ (p93).

So, aware that his country’s problems seem insurmountable; the PM signs a treaty of neutrality, inviting the Soviet Union to assist in bringing law and order to Britain – ‘bring back stability’ (p97).

Stability meant the country would be subject to Soviet law.

Change. ‘Let me tell you of some of those changes... Politicians have not served this country well. They have been divisive not constructive, seeking privileges for themselves and their sponsors. Therefore there will be no political parties in this country for the next five years’ (p109).

Before the take-over, the royal family was spirited away to Canada. The Queen made a broadcast which could only offer hope despite ‘men of evil intent exploited our traditional tolerance and freedom for their own ends... Old friends deserted us, some went so far as to hasten our downfall...’ (p139) [She didn’t mention the French!] The text of her speech reads as if it actually had been her speaking.

It seems that as the Soviet yolk pressed down upon the people, they became accepting of the new conditions: ‘We daren’t say what we think; nobody can criticise the system and survive’ (p198).

However, there was resistance. SAS Colonel Harry Andrews and his men Joe Langley and Jamie Boyle have built up a veritable army of spies, activists, saboteurs and fighters throughout the country. Harry’s plea to the populace, subject to harsh and brutal reprisals from the occupying troops, was clear: ‘Be strong. Not just for today but tomorrow and all our tomorrows’ (p267).

And, as it happens, the US hasn’t given up on occupied Britain. President Wheeler has the ear of Colonel Andrews also.  The struggle can bear fruit... though perhaps nothing would ever be the same again.

A thought-provoking book with surprising relevance to the situation today. 

Friday 27 September 2024


Laurie R King’s first Mary Russell novel The Beekeeper’s Apprentice was published in 1994. Since then she has gone on to publish at least another 18 books in the series.

After the fashion of many Sherlock Holmes books, the author purports to have been in receipt of a number of manuscripts and other fascinating items. The writer of these manuscripts (M.R.H.) states that Holmes was real flesh-and-blood – ‘my Holmes is not the Holmes of Watson... my perspective, my brush technique, my use of colour and shade, are all entirely different from him. The subject is essentially the same; it is the eyes and the hands of the artist that change’ (page xvii).

In 1915 the young fifteen-year-old Mary Russell is reading a book on the Sussex Downs when she literally trips over Sherlock Holmes. [The book blurb gives the date as 1914, which is incorrect!]

‘... it was an engrossing book, and it was very rare to come across another person in that particular part of the world in that war year... In my seven weeks of peripatetic reading amongst the sheep (which tended to move out of my way) and the gorse bushes (to which I had painfully developed an instinctive awareness) I had never before stepped on a person’ (p5).

Holmes is studying bees and has quite a few hives to look after behind his cottage, his retreat, which is administered by Mrs Hudson.

The narrative is first-person by Mary, and it’s a joy to read. The voice and character of Mary and Holmes are captured perfectly.

This first interaction on the Downs soon conveys to each that their intellects mesh remarkably well. We meet the ‘real’ Mrs Hudson and Dr Watson and Sherlock’s brother Mycroft. Holmes takes Mary under his wing, training her in his techniques and methods of disguise, even arranging for her to undertake Oriental self-defence. The years pass as she studies at Oxford, spending her holidays at the Sussex cottage to learn from her mentor.

The tone varies from serious, to intellectual, to humorous: ‘My first task was to make a move towards reuniting Watson with his trousers’ (p205) – a sentence you’d never find in the Conan Doyle cannon!

Before long, Mary – who Holmes always refers to as ‘Russell’ – joins the Great Detective on his investigations. Considerable danger is afoot, it seems; and the main perpetrator is as cunning as the late adversary Moriarty. As time goes by, despite the age difference the pair become close.

This book has heart, humour, depth of description that sets the reader in the scene, and a main character who greatly appeals.

A splendid beginning to a series. Next: A Monstrous Regiment of Women (1995).

Note: This cover is pretty poor. The later A&B cover and its successors are much better.

Thursday 26 September 2024

HOLY ISLAND - Book review

LJ Ross’s debut novel Holy Island was published in 2015, and since then she has published another twenty-one DCI Ryan mysteries, as well as books in other (shorter) series. Prolific, averaging two books a year. Holy Island has garnered over 50,000 reviews on Amazon, most being favourable.

The DCI Ryan books centre round the north-east of England, an area rich in history, castles, landmarks and beautiful scenery. Living in the area and knowing it, the book added an added interest for me – and legions of north-easterners.

It’s December, close to Christmas, on Holy Island, and the weather is cold and bleak – and a young islander called Lucy Mathieson is found murdered, her naked corpse left like a sick sacrifice in the ancient Priory.

As it happens, DCI Maxwell Charles Finley-Ryan is on leave on the island following a traumatic case that brought him close to a breakdown. As the murder has suggestions of a pagan sacrifice, Dr Anna Taylor is brought in from Durham to assist Ryan.

The narrative is omniscient, so within a scene the reader jumps from one character’s thoughts to another. While this technique is frowned upon by many, it’s a legitimate way of conveying tension between characters and involving the reader. The main thing is that at no point does the ‘head-jumping’ cause confusion.

This was a page-turner and a quick read, with several apt metaphors, and enough varied characters to hold the interest. It does not fall into the cosy crime bracket. The interaction between Ryan and his team works very well. In classic style, the relationship between Ryan and Anna begins with antagonism from both sides, yet they gradually appreciate the strengths and knowledge of the other, and perhaps inevitably their situation turns romantic. There are a number of suspects to keep you guessing; and two more murders occur before the case is resolved.  The Epilogue provides quite a shock, signifying that the ripples from this case may taint Ryan’s life later on...

A remarkably successful first novel.  I’m certainly inclined to read the next book in the series, Sycamore Gap.

Monday 16 September 2024

EMPRESS - Book review

Prolific author Graham Masterton’s historical saga
Empress was published in 1988. 

Beginning in the early 1890s, the book concerns the life and loves of Lucy Darling, a Texan girl who dreams of riches and castles. She helps her father Jack in the town’s general store, with few prospects of escaping this humdrum existence. Her childhood friend Jamie Cullen harbours unrequited love for her. ‘Handsome and gentle, but strong, too; and unselfish. She was conscious that she might not love him forever: that if he didn’t agree to stay with her now, she might not give him a second chance. Life was too exciting for second chances’ (p107). [She would rue that thought about second chances some years later...]

Her Uncle Casper, a spendthrift adventurer, visits the store, though he is not particularly welcome by her father. Yet Casper brings exotic stories about his failed business ventures that intrigue Lucy. Yet, before long she comes to hate Casper. ‘Hatred can cool; envy can be assuaged; but guilt never forgets, and guilt never forgives, and guilt eats the spirit like fire consumes flesh’ (p111). This is a striking allusion to the fate of Casper, which is a traumatic tragedy. The result is that Lucy finds herself inheriting undreamed-of wealth, which enables her to escape with her father to elite drawing-rooms of New York, where she soon becomes a success, despite her strange Texan manner of speaking. Though not everyone was enamoured of her: ‘Mrs Harris at the back of the crowd with a face like a prairie cyclone’ (p137) Indeed, Mrs Harris, being outshone by Lucy, didn’t take kindly to the teenager: ‘... and glared at Lucy with an expression that could have crushed glass’ (p142).

And into the mix arrives British MP Henry Carson who is swept off his feet by the impetuous Lucy. ‘Henry was so direct about his interest in her, and she had never come across such candour before, especially when it came to courting. Bob Wonderly had at least tried to offer her a pound of liver, by way of foreplay’ (p157). Henry was an inveterate traveller, and in his spare time wrote, though his book royalties were not much more than £34 the previous year – join the club, Henry, though that sum in the 1890s is a lot more in today’s money... Henry harbours a secret which he is reluctant to divulge; and she soon learned that ‘his greed for public duty was beyond her understanding’ (p409).

Masterton has created an engaging, wilful, selfish and strong character in Lucy.

There are humorous and sad moments, and three notable quite graphic sexual encounters: ‘He must have the highest collar I ever clapped eyes on’ (p128) ‘Life became one glittering carousel of shining carriages and chandeliers, and men whose collars were so high they had to stare at the ceiling all evening’ (p178).

There is plenty of conflict between the main characters and certain subsidiary people. There are some twists in the tale, and a surprise or two at the end. A satisfying read.

I read this book while undergoing chemotherapy and was amused to read about a journey that Lucy took along the Saline Rive (p343) when I was actually being infused with saline solution!

Editorial comments:

I don’t know whose decision it was to begin the book with a short sequence showing Lucy in India and then skipping to her younger days in Texas (possibly an editor?). But that short sequence ruins much of the subsequent anguish she suffers prior to finally getting to India; in effect it is a spoiler. Roughly the last 200 pages (of 648) are set in India – which is described with colour, feeling and loving detail.

‘... thought to herself...’ (p145) – This is used more than once and is tautological – ‘thought’ would do. You can’t think to anyone else, after all.

The above reference to high collars is repeated – amusing the first time, granted.

Thursday 29 August 2024


Keith Waterhouse’s excellent debut novel There is a Happy Land was published in1957 and is narrated by an unnamed boy (‘Told her my name’ (p21)) of almost eleven years of age in the year before the Second World War.  As Waterhouse was born in 1929 there may be elements of autobiography in thisshort novel, perceiving the world from that childhood period: ‘Braithwaites’ (house) had been empty for ages. They had a telegraph pole in their garden. They were dirty. They had to have the bug-van when they removed’ (p16).

The boy lives with ‘my Aunty Bettie’ as both his parents are dead. His best friend is Ted – until they have a final falling-out. The interplay where they don’t speak and avoid eye-contact and befriend others is spot-on.

He befriends newcomer Marion Longbottom. ‘She knew a lot, did Marion. It was her that told me that if you swallow chewing gum, well it gets all tangled up round your heart, and if you swallow orange pips, well you get oranges growing out of your ears’ (p31).

The book title is from a song a lad sings: ‘There is a happy land, far far away/Where they have jam and bread three times a day./Just one big fam-i-lee,/Eggs and bacon they don’t see...’ (p38).

Waterhouse captures the mindset of childhood perfectly: ‘My heart always started bumping when people whispered at each other’ (p51).

Some of the older boys and girls would go off to the fields. ‘Suddenly I felt hot and sweaty and miserable and sick. All the whispers I didn’t understand, heard in the school lavatories and from the big lads, late at night at the top of our street, came back to my mind’ (p84).

He went to the fairground and won some coins. ‘I had five-pence now. I held the pennies tight until they were hot in my hand. I put my hand to my face and it smelled of copper. I was going to lick one and then I remembered Marion telling me that if you do, you get cancer’ (p100).

There is bullying and senseless fighting and annoying spitefulness. ‘... he used to get behind me and try to tread my heels heels down’ (p127).

For the narrator it is not a happy land, but it’s the best he has, despite being involved in a tragedy near the poignant end.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

THE WICKED DAY - Book review

The Wicked Day is Mary Stewart’s fourth instalment of her Arthurian legend, published in 1983.

The first three books are The Crystal Cave (1970), The Hollow Hills (1973) and The Last Enchantment (1979). I read the first two in the 1970s and the third in the 1980s. It has taken me all this time to get round to the fourth, though it has been on my shelf for thirty years, but it was worth the wait!

The book concerns Mordred, the bastard son of Arthur and the king’s half-sister Morgause, the man Merlin predicts will be the death of Arthur. Mordred ‘the boy from the sea’ has been sequestered in the Orkneys by adoptive parents (fisherman Brude and wife Sula) and is unaware of his origins. By chance Mordred rescues the young Gawain, one of the beautiful witch-Queen Morgause’s sons on a cliff edge and his rewarded is to serve in her castle. His mother Sula believes it is a great opportunity for the boy: ‘Her eyes, red-rimmed with working near the smoke of the peat fire, stared up at him with an intensity that made him want to fidget and move away. She spoke in a low, urgent whisper, “This is a great day for you”...’ (p31).

Stewart’s prose is as descriptive as ever, a fitting conclusion to the series. ‘Morgause, who liked to play with people as if they were creatures caged for her whims’ (p42). The visuals place the reader in the scene: ‘Beyond the window the midnight moon, at the full, had cooled from marigold to silver, and a sharp-edged blade of light cut across Morgause’s chair, sparking on gold and drowning the folds of her gown’ (p82).

‘He was still on the treadmill of agonised guilt’ (p181) is a telling and apt phrase for the period, the sixth century.

Morgause has four sons: Gawain, Gareth, Agravain and Gaheris, who accept Mordred with dubious grace. The queen’s current lover is Gabran. Finally, Mordred learns that he is the king’s bastard son...

The tragedy of Arthur is well-known, so there is no risk of any spoiler here.

The title of the book is taken from Mallory’s poem The Death of Arthur: ‘The wicked day of destiny’.

‘She spoke softly, still smiling. “Mordred, listen to me. You are young, and you do not know the world. I hated Merlin, but he was never wrong. If Merlin saw it written in the starts that you would be Arthur’s doom, then how can you escape it? There will come a day, the wicked day of destiny, when all will come to pass as he foretold’ (p168).

Despite this, Mordred loves the king and cannot foresee how he could be an instrument of his father’s destruction. He is determined to prove the fates wrong. And yet... On meeting Nimuë, Merlin’s successor: ‘He stopped dead in the doorway. A feeling of dread, formless and heavy, settled on him, as if the vultures of fate clung to his shoulders, their claws digging into his flesh’ (p190). Foretold doom hovers throughout the narrative and how the inevitable happens is well told.

The murder scene involving Gaheris is quite a shock. The later battle scenes are not as graphic as, say, Bernard Cornwell’s (qv Agincourt), but work, nevertheless.

A satisfying conclusion to the Dark Ages myth, the legend, the Once and Future King.

Monday 12 August 2024

D-DAY - Book review

Stephen A Ambrose’s weighty tome D-Day does what it says on the cover: it’s about the battle for the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944. It was published in 1994 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the landings; my copy was published in 2002. Ambrose regards it as a love song to democracy.

At 655 pages, with 9 maps, a glossary and extensive endnotes and two sections of contemporary photographs, this is a daunting volume. Ambrose has relied on many sources, many of them from oral histories and memoires: a remarkable compilation, covering that one unforgettable day.

Ambrose’s style is very readable and lucid and is not judgemental but reasoned.

As early as 1941 the Allies began preparing for the invasion against the formidable ‘Atlantic Wall’ that Rommel and others had constructed. The identity of the target beaches was highly secret and amazingly on the day came as a surprise for the German high command. Although no plan seems to go according to plan, the preparation was formidable: for example, every Allied warplane was painted with white bands around the fuselage and wings (during the invasion of Sicily, Allied planes had been fired upon by their own ships and troops (p194).

There were many ruses and feints employed to confound the Germans, including dummy parachutists landing near Le Havre and Rouen (p216).

On the fateful morning of June 6 Eisenhower was in bed, smoking, and reading a Western novel. He had met the troops prior to their embarkation, enthusiastic, tough and fit men with ‘the light of battle in their eyes’ (p483). He did not interfere now the battle was about to begin; the forces were committed.

The air bombardment not only included the Atlantic Wall positions but inland targets elsewhere, still to confuse the enemy. ‘By 0800 many aircrews were back at the base, having a second breakfast [maybe Ambrose had read Tolkien?]. The RAF returned to Caen, trying to concentrate on the rail station. The Germans in Caen, in retaliation, took eighty French Resistance prisoners out of their cells and shot them in cold blood’ (p248). The Geneva Convention was abused repeatedly: ‘Jerry would deliberately shoot the medics. I think that the hottest place in hell is reserved for the man that would do that’ (p424). In contrast: ‘On the beach, men saw Father Lacy go down to the water’s edge and pull the dead, dying and wounded from the water and put them in relatively protected positions. He didn’t stop at that, but prayed for them and with them, gave comfort to the wounded and dying. A real man of God’ (p429).

Regarding the equipment, there was friendly rivalry between the Americans and the British. ‘They managed to disable two enemy tanks with Gammon grenades (how the Yanks loved that British grenade; it was the best antitank weapon they had, far superior to their own bazookas – if they could get close enough)’ (p310). Gen. Percy Hobart came up with some ideas: floating tanks – using the so-called duplex drive (DD) and the ‘Crab’ – a tank with a drum in front, flailing chains to detonate mines, nicknamed Hobart’s Funnies. (p54). ‘We were saved by our flail tanks’ (p551).

The germ of the idea for Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan: ‘Sgt Bob Niland was killed at his machine gun post at Omaha Beach. One of his brothers was killed the same morning at Utah Beach. Another brother was killed that week in Burma. Mrs Niland received all three telegrams from the War Department announcing the deaths of her sons on the same day. Her fourth son, Fritz, was in the 101st Airborne; he was snatched out of the front line by the Army’ (pp316/317).

The stories of heroics are thick and fast in this longest day: ‘We sometimes forget that you can manufacture weapons and you can purchase ammunition but you can’t buy valour and you can’t pull heroes off an assembly line’ (p359) – which is as true today as it was then.

Author Ernest Hemingway was in the seventh wave onto Omaha Beach, reporting for Collier’s, and employed his inimitable descriptive style: ‘the big guns sounded as though they were throwing whole railway trains across the sky’ (p478).

There is an enlightening if brief chapter regarding the feelings of those at the home front on both sides.

Unsurprisingly, the emphasis is mainly on the American landings. Description of the British and Commonwealth landings only begins on p508 – amounting to about 70 pages. Lt. Richard Todd arrived with the Fifth Parachute Brigade, having starred in three films and then joining up in 1939; BBC broadcaster Capt. Huw Wheldon landed in a glider.  The Atlantic Wall took the Germans four years to build; at the beaches of Gold, Juno and Sword it had held up the Canadian and British forces for about an hour. (At Utah Beach, the Americans were held up less than an hour; at Omaha, less than a day.) (p577).

If you want a more detailed British perspective, you could try James Holland’s Normandy ’44 and Brothers in Arms.

The planned British capture of Caen was over-optimistic due to several factors; ultimately, Ambrose concluded that ‘The British were outstanding in gathering intelligence, lousy in using it’ (p517).

Eisenhower concluded that the price paid by the Allies was heavy, but they did it that ‘the world could be free’.

Editorial comment:

There are very few typos, not worthy of comment; however, I couldn’t resist this:

‘You have heard of the Lord Mare’s Show...’ (p510) – which, clearly, should be the Lord Mayor’s Show... 

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Writing - Gestation of a thriller

Some writers believe that all those piles of writing ideas that had not been translated into either short stories or books should be ditched. There’s sense in that – tidying up, clearing the wheat from the chaff.

However, some ideas require time to gestate and may be worth holding onto - for years. I have several examples of retaining ideas that have ultimately paid dividends; here’s one.

When I was training in the RN in 1971, our group spent an evening round the mess table and set up a Ouija session, using a tumbler and placed in a circle pieces of paper with the alphabet and numbers on them. Needless to say, despite our best efforts, nothing intelligible resulted. Then I proposed that the gobbledegook was in code. And an idea formed. The message would be transmitted by a psychic spy, Tana Standish.

But, in the final analysis, it didn’t seem to be gibberish.

By the time Keith Tyson deciphered the first paragraph, he felt sick inside.

Unsmiling narrow mouth beneath a salt-and-pepper moustache, Jock stubbed out half-smoked cigarettes repeatedly. He was a bag of nerves since his last mission. It was plain on his face that he knew this astral message was very bad.

At last Tyson put down the pencil and raised his grey eyes. His expression was solemn. “It’s from Tana,” he said. “They’ve got her.”

Alan Swann’s face lost most of its colour as he leaned forward. He queried softly, “Where?”

“Czechoslovakia.” (p174)

That was the set-up. So I wrote a 2,000-word short story entitled ‘The Ouija Message’. Even though by then I’d sold a number of action-adventure stories, this one didn’t find a home. In retrospect, I realised that the story needed more space. I embarked on writing a book – same title – and it stretched to a modest 50,000 words.

At that time (1974) publishers were not averse to commenting on submissions. Robert Hale was not keen on the psychic elements but said ‘the work is up to publication standard and indeed better than many that are published’. So that was encouraging. Alas, a good number of rejections of Ouija followed and time passed and life-work tended to get in the way. I continued to have reasonable successes with short story and article sales, and wrote other books, thrillers and fantasy, but didn’t sell any of those novels either.

Time passed. As it does. Then, in 2007 I dug out a one-line idea – ‘He was dressed entirely in black. Black because he was in mourning. Mourning the men he had killed.’ I decided to write a western! That same year I sold the resultant book to Hale, and five more followed before they went out of business. At the same time, I had success with the Harry Bowling Prize, winning an award with the first chapters of a crime novel. While, sadly, I didn’t get agent representation, the success spurred me on to finish that crime book and it was accepted by a new publisher, Libros, under the title Pain Wears No Mask; (Libros went out of business but now the book is available as The Bread of Tears). On the back of these two successes, I revisited The Ouija Message and, thanks to all those years of writing experience, vastly improved the book to the extent that it ran to 80,000 words and it was accepted by Libros in 2008. That book spawned two more adventures and I’m busy writing the fourth in the Tana Standish psychic spy series. Since my breakthrough in 2007 I’ve had 37 books published.

The moral of all this? Never give up on your writing ideas. Believe in yourself. And if you keep writing, you keep improving.


Note: The Tana Standish books are: Mission: Prague (Czechoslovakia, 1975); Mission: Tehran (Iran, 1978); Mission: Khyber (Afghanistan, 1979); Mission: Falklands (Argentina, 1982) – work in progress.

Tuesday 6 August 2024


In May 1985 I was fortunate to be onboard HMS Diomede when we visited the Falklands and the island of South Georgia. This is an article I wrote at the time about the experience.

South Georgia was discovered by Europeans in 1675.

Captain James Cook in HMS Resolution made the first landing, survey and mapping; in 1775 he took possession for Britain and named it Isle of Georgia after King George III. It is about 800 miles east-south-east of the Falklands and covers an area of 1450 square miles. It is rugged, mountainous and an inhospitable island which, for almost the whole year, is covered in deep snow with many glaciers (the glaciers move eighteen feet in a day, where Norwegian glaciers move that distance in a year!) It is virtually impossible for movement on foot beyond the immediate vicinity of the long-abandoned whaling stations of Grytviken, Leith, Stromness, Husvik and Prince Olav. The scenery is spectacular and the many glaciers which come right down to the sea are a photographer’s dream, with remarkable sunsets adding both colour and beauty. The weather, however, remains a permanent enemy, with gale force winds and complete white-outs occurring frequently, unpredictably and alarmingly quickly – as SAS troops discovered during an attempt to retake the island in April 1982.

The population used to comprise only the staff of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) station at King Edward Point, numbering about twelve in winter and twenty-two in summer. There is also a small BAS team of three biologists and a technician on Bird Island, situated off the north-western corner of South Georgia.

Sealing started in 1790 and was actively pursued between 1795 and 1802 and again between 1814 and 1820. Captain James Weddell estimated in 1825 the total number of skins taken from South Georgia was not less than 1.25 million and the quantity of elephant seal oil weighed in at 20,000 tons. Whaling began in the twentieth century and the first shore factory was opened by C A Larsen in 1903. In 1946-47, three companies operating twenty whalers caught 2,550 whales, but by 1961 only Salvesens and Albion Star Ltd were left; they were all gone by 1963, although the Japanese operated briefly from 1963 to 1965.

An abundance of wildlife can be found there. The elephant seals suffer from acute halitosis whilst the fur seals are treacherous and to be avoided; one bit off the calf of an American tourist... The whaling stations were abandoned so promptly that when the Navy went in afterwards everywhere was very evocative of the Mary celeste. Now, sadly, vandalism has taken its toll, mainly done by merchant ship crews of all nationalities. That briefly was the background to South Georgia. The ship was scheduled to visit there in May, and we were all anticipating the event.

We arrived at mid-day, slowly approaching Grytviken, a small rust-laden enclave with a backdrop of scree slopes and mountains. In the bay was the tanker Scottish Eagle, an enormous ship that dwarfed us but in its turn was made small by the magnificent scenery. The sea approach was mottled with thin pack ice to add further contrast. Beyond, to our left, was the wide forty-foot terminal moraine of a glacier actually debouching into the blue-tinted sea. The sky was azure, the mountain peaks white.

That afternoon personnel were landed to walk around. I went ashore in the boat the following day, in rain, but wearing a survival suit which kept me and my clothes dry. These suits were de rigueur for if the boat capsized or someone fell overboard, life expectancy sans suit could be counted in minutes if not seconds. A two-mile walk followed, around the shoreline to see attractive marshland with stagnant pools between tussock grass; here we found some seals wallowing in a pond, a couple of elephant seals and a solitary king penguin sitting on its nest and determined not to be moved for anyone: the bird was much photographed. Along the shore we met another smaller Gentoo penguin and could hear the surf lashing against the shingle, the shoreline more like a giant’s discarded bag of marbles, the rounded smoothed rocks were so large and streaked with various shades. The retreating surf moved the pebbles so it sounded like distant gunfire. All along the shore was scattered whalebone, some curved pieces all of seven-foot in length. Seaweed was scattered over the pebbles, some looking like beached squid, so solid and glistening, with tentacles, as if only recently bereft of life.

On the hillside, too far for us to reach in the time allotted, lay the crashed Argentinian helicopter shot down by Royal Marines; another group from the ship found its hydraulics and engine were in almost immaculate condition, though the body of the craft was riddles with bullet holes. Tucked under a hill just outside the station, at Hope Point, was the cemetery, where Shackleton was buried on 5 January 1922; also interred here, the Argentinian young man who died in the submarine, Santa Fé. Above, on the slopes, a large stone memorial cross to Shackleton which can be seen on entering the bay. The whaling station itself boasts a wooden church which was dismantled in Norway (1913) and shipped here and re-sited; it is presently being restored, and though spartan-looking inside is in very good condition, which is more than can be said for the Kino in front of the church – the cinema (dating from about 1903) has collapsed, its roof in the stalls. Walking through the ghostly whaling station was most interesting; happily, the rain stopped and the return trip to the ship was marginally more comfortable.

Two days later eight of us were scheduled to be landed to tidy up the whalers’ library in Leith, a station just round the point from Stromness Bay. For a short while it was touch and go as the weather had deteriorated and the sea was a little lumpy. Suitably attired in survival suits again, we were taken in two groups to the jetty of Leith whaling station with all our gear in the whaler boat; watching the forward party land on the jetty in their bright orange suits, it was like observing a decontamination team investigating a disaster area in a sci-fi movie.

Meanwhile the ship floated with minimal engine turning and could not have been more than twenty feet off the sheer scree slopes of Leith harbour. Once we were deposited, the boat returned and the ship left, turning the point out of sight to anchor in Stromness Bay for the day and night, scheduled to return for us the next day at 3pm. We had brought ashore extra rations should the weather preclude our recovery on schedule).

Once ashore, we carried our gear along the jetty to shelter, a derelict warehouse, passing on either side of us on the jetty single rows of metal machinery – all positioned ready for removal by Argentinian scrap metal merchants, for it was here that it had all begun in 1982.

We divested ourselves of our survival suits as they are not comfortable for any length of time, then set off to try to find adequate shelter to stay overnight. Not one building possessed a room that had not been wantonly vandalised; the majority of windows were broken or cracked, the contents of drawers were strewn over the floors. One three-storey building was clearly a grocery warehouse; it still contained boxes of toilet rolls, lifeboat first-aid tins, evidence of rats and lots more devastation. A small office sported the remains of a whale tote board, with the total whales killed, and stationery for shipping. Upstairs I found some hardback books on the floor, though as yet no library.

We circled back the way we had come and encountered armed soldiers in combat gear, faces blackened; they were from nearby Stromness, giving the area a once-over. Happily, they had a safe-house which we could use overnight. In most places there are situated buildings converted into safe-houses, especially for anyone who has become stranded due to the capricious weather; they are stocked with food and the means to heat food and body. Here, too, the windows had been shattered; the windows of the rooms upstairs had been boarded up. The downstairs rooms were in a bad state; one contained a piano which only possessed eight keys and no sound could be forced from its depths. Upstairs, two of our company having repaired the banister rails, we found the kitchen, with gas rings attached to gas cylinders stored outside. The rooms contained beds, two each, with mattresses and curtains and there were a few candles too. One room possessed a long table and chairs where we could eat comfortably.

After a snack, then, we set off for the glacier beyond.

On our way I located the library in an accommodation block on the second floor; it was the only room which had no visible leaks from the roof, but it was a sorry sight. In the passageway were books strewn all over, mostly soggy and trampled underfoot; inside, the same dismal picture, the books and library cards covering the floor to a depth of about ten inches. Yet still over half the shelves had books on them. We would return to begin the tidying up and repairs.

The weather was kind, the sky clear and the sun shining. We could walk with our hands ungloved and not feel the cold. First, we climbed tussock-clogged hills which ascended to ragged slate-like hills and then we could view the end of the valley or bay – like an enormous natural amphitheatre, on all sides scree rising to snowline and glacier. Dotted about were pools and ponds, presumably from the meltwater. We walked on, the hills on the way were moss-covered, and very spongy underfoot, and espied reindeer, which had been imported many years back to vary the fishy diet and had survived after the whalers had left. They were very timid, and ran off before we could get close enough to photograph them. They are regularly culled by the Army otherwise their numbers would overgraze the limited food-source.

The floor of the natural amphitheatre was like large cinders, heaped up in undulating waves, interspersed with rivulets of ice-cold water and sparse tussocks of grass.

One moment there was the distant murmur of the furthest glacier’s meltwater waterfall, when suddenly the babbling of icy streams grew loud. The scree revealed where the previous winter’s glacier must have gouged out the stones; now melting ice slowed along these small canyons. I climbed to the moraine of the glacier and it was solid ice, transparent and ringed blue.

We spent some time climbing up the side of the glacier, inside and under it too, over rocks that cascaded meltwater. The reflected light inside the glacier was bright. On our way back we followed the deer along the valley, not the way we had come, and while we were unable to get close to them we encountered penguins amid grass tussocks; all of them having just returned from a dip in the sea about two miles off. Further down, along the beach, was a group of seals. And on the shingle dunes we came across an enormous elephant seal, moulting; he was unprepossessing and foul.

A short climb to the headland where a signal gun pointed into the bay. And then back to work on the library and to eat.

That night three of us left the safe-house with torches and looked around the buildings. It was fascinating – and a little eerie – to walk through the abandoned station, with the wind blowing against loose corrugated iron and whistling in the rotting eaves. The night was clear. Thousands of stars were visible in the southern firmament, even the Milky Way and Orion. We found a vast variety of technical equipment, a lot of it cannibalised, but some still in its grease-paper packing. The whaling slipway was spooky at night and though no whales had been slaughtered and carved up there for many years, to my mind there still hovered an unwholesome aura about the place. While crediting the station for its ingenuity in production-line treatment of dead whales in order to waste nothing, it was grossly obscene. It seems fitting that the whales are no longer killed near here and that the machinery is in disuse, that Man has devastated the area that Man created; the naturally created features, such as the screes, mountains and glaciers are pure, unblemished, unspoiled by Man.

On return, we slept, to awaken in a chilly dawn. After tidying up and clearing away the mess in the library, we walked round the point to view the anchored ship in Stromness Bay; on the way we had to climb two cliffs with a few tussocks serving as handholds, for the way round the shoreline was impassable. Also on the way, near the four seals we’d seen yesterday, we encountered a pup seal that was small enough to be quite mobile and had big puppy-dog eyes; it flopped towards us; perhaps it was a trifle vain, since it wended its way towards whoever was pointing the camera. It was certainly unafraid.

We watched two young seals playing in the surf, unmindful of the elders or us. From this vantage point we could view the snow-clad mountains, probably the Arcady range. Then it was time to wend our way back down. Breaking off from the others, I descended past a fresh-tasting cool brook, spotted a reindeer hobbling among tumbledown boulders at the foot of a gigantic scree. A short while later I crested a slope and found myself no more than twenty feet from a herd of grazing reindeer, many resplendent with enormous antlers. We eyed each other for many frozen minutes, then they sauntered off. Later still, I came upon a rock penguin colony; dozens standing upright, motionless, facing the sun to warm or dry themselves. They quickly detected my presence and were reluctant to stay near me. Then it was time to get back.

After packing, we mustered on the jetty for the boat. Then over the radio we heard that the ship had changed its plans and would be staying another night; would we like to remain here too? We unhesitatingly gave the affirmative.

We spent the day strengthening and repairing the roof over the library and that night we set out in the dark with torches, across the marshland and up the hills, eventually splitting up and, surprisingly, I managed to navigate well enough to relocate the penguin colony. There were hundreds now, and they seemed to be attracted by the torchlight. A number of them actually stampeded towards me as I tried to photograph them: I managed a picture of my foot and a penguin’s wing that time. Then we left them to resume their interrupted sleep, heading back to the safe-house, collecting water from the stream on the way.

Next morning we woke to find a heavy frost had descended, the rust-coloured screes were all now silvery-white, lending a ghostly sheen to the surrounding land and dilapidated station. We were collected by boat. Snow fell heavily shortly afterwards; we had barely avoided being snowed in. Large snowflakes, blanketing the area, with gulls and other birds, including cormorants, flying zigzag, and a solitary penguin swimming close by.

It was the most memorable period in our forty-two weeks away from home.


Since 1985, changes have occurred.

In more eco-conscious times, the reindeer were considered a pest, damaging the island’s flora and other aspects of the ecosystem. So, in 2013 teams of Norwegian government shooters and reindeer herders culled all 3,500 reindeer on the island. The culled animals were frozen and taken to the Falkland Islands where they were sold to local residents and cruise ship operators.

And in 2018, after a lengthy extermination effort, the island was declared free of rats and other invasive rodents and as a result the number of South Georgia pipits, snowy sheathbills, South Georgia pintails and Wilson's storm petrels have increased.