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Monday 1 September 2014

Writing - Market - On Spec

If you like writing speculative fiction, sci-fi or a variant, then this magazine might be worth considering.

Their next issue is themed for STEAMPUNK, CYBERPUNK, BIOPUNK. As their website states, these and many other types of ‘punk’ derivatives have become popular sub-genres of speculative fiction. What classifies them as ‘punk’ are a number of literary devices that include:
1) Setting: specific technologies associated with particular ‘ages’, ‘societies’ and/or time frames (both the past or future) – eg. the Victorian Age often defines Steampunk (but not always). Nanotech experiments of the future may define Biopunk, (but again, not always).
2) Tone: a sense of novelty, or being on the cutting edge of that particular technology, within its time frame.
3) Style: language and/or a narrative style specific to that particular technology, reflective of the time, and/or writers of that time.
4) Characterization: wide open. Characters can reflect their time and the concerns of their place in that time, or be transplants from another time and/or genre.

Sub-genres include, but aren’t limited to: Atompunk, Biopunk, Clockpunk, Cyberpunk, Decopunk, Dieselpunk, Dreampunk, Mythpunk, Nanopunk, Steampunk, Stonepunk, and others.

For further definitions, this Wikipedia link on ‘Cyberpunk Derivatives’ may prove helpful.

Their reading period is short – 1 September to 15 October. 

They have a style sheet format to follow, so stick to that. 

Payment is in Canadian dollars, viz:

Fiction (6000 words max.)
·         1000-2999 words: $125 plus 2 contributor’s copies plus a One year subscription
·         3000-4999 words: $175 plus 2 contributor’s copies plus a One year subscription
·         5000-6000 words: $200 plus 2 contributor’s copies plus a One year subscription

They also publish poetry.  Please check out their site for more information:

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