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Sunday 23 February 2014

'Right hand, an irritable twin brother...'

I tend to write fiction, though dabble from time to time with articles - non-fiction. I read a lot, as well as writing a lot. Sometimes, I come across an item that inspires me or appals me.

Today, I'm inspired by blogger Ron Scheer. His blog is entitled Buddies in the Saddle and it's always an insightful read.

Now, however, Ron has excelled himself. He has returned home from an operation on a brain tumour that has still meant his left hand and arm are quite disobedient to his thought processes.

Ron's 'new wheels'

He writes with passion, humour and common sense about this annoying, hopefully temporary impediment. Reading his account, I feel he is an inspiration to all of us who procrastinate and don't get those little chores done, whether that's the next magnum opus or the odd task about the house.

As Ron says, "My right hand, impatient with this foolery has come to be an irritable twin brother, reaching over sometimes to take my left and offer some awkward solace, sometimes just holding on as if it might fly away. And for the moment, hands held over heart, I briefly feel knit together again."

I urge you to read the full account here:

I wish you do recover the use of your left hand and arm soon, Ron!

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